Random Misesian Blipverts from an English Rothbardian Heretic
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
My first ever Objective-C Mac App
After figuring out how to run Xcode this morning, I have completed my first ever Objective-C Cocoa App. Now most people say "Hello, World!" or other such hackneyed stuff.
I thought I might try something with a dash more pizazz. The left-hand button uppercases the input text. The right-hand button lowercases the input text. Here's my first test of this staggeringly good new program:
Very good. Now add a button called SHOUT and get the program to speak the text in the text field. Hint: Aaron Hillegass' book "Cocoa Programming For Mac OS X" features an app like this and the book is the bible for cocoa beginners.
So nice your posting.
Everything looks good in your posting.
That will be necessary for all. Thanks for your posting.
Very good. Now add a button called SHOUT and get the program to speak the text in the text field. Hint: Aaron Hillegass' book "Cocoa Programming For Mac OS X" features an app like this and the book is the bible for cocoa beginners.
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