Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Laughing Cavalier

Living at the Heathrow-corridor end of Oxfordshire, it is occasionally ones unpleasant duty to have to descend upon the unjewel of the south, Reading, Queen of despair. Fighting in a league with Slough and Swindon for being the unloveliest of Isambard Kingdom Brunel's unlovely railway stopovers, only the appalling architecture of Terminal One, at Heathrow, can claim significant comparison with Reading's dreaded Inner Distribution Ringroad.

And so to one of funniest web sites it has been my pleasure to come across, recently:

Chase me, ladies, I'm in the cavalry

I haven't laughed out loud so much, since I first opened up Spike Milligan's Monty: His Part in My Victory. If you should ever have the pleasure to be visiting Reading, you may wish to check out the cavalry man's post, first:

Berkshire, Gateway to Wiltshire

I predict great things for Harry Hutton, the cavalry man. Respect.


Anonymous said...

Ludwig von Mises????? Shame on you.

Jack Maturin said...

Someone has to.

Anonymous said...

Yes he's very funny. A sort of blogging cross between PJ O Rourke and Theodore Dalrymple, with extra sardony (is there such a noun?) thrown in. His posts on TEFL are hysterical. I loved the one about trousers.