Can you see any real substantive differences between either of the two politicians on show? (Yes, one is wearing a blue shirt, and the other is wearing a white one.)
Are there any real 'policy' differences between either of the two men? (Not any more, there aren't.)
In short, what difference did voting in last week's election make to anything?
Answer: ........................................................ (Please fill in your chosen answer and send it in on a postcard to the Vogsphere, sign it in triplicate and we will then send it back, query it, lose it, find it again, subject it to a public enquiry, lose it again, and finally bury it in soft peat for three months and recycle it as fire lighters, under orders shortly to be authorised by the new Lib Dem minister for the environment and climate change. Thanking you for your co-operation, Vogon Prostetnic Jeltz, of the Hyperspace planning committee.)
(By the way, the Derek Fowlds lookalike at the back of the shot is wondering which one to say 'Yes, Minister' to! ;-)
Don't you think you're being a bit facetious?
There's a big difference you've missed.
Cameron likes to hold his documents with one hand and Clegg likes to use both hands.
I hear some Tory backbenchers', the ones who had their fists down their throats, that is until they saw this photograph, see this as a clear sign that although Clegg might want to govern with both hands their man, at least, wants to have a looser grip on things.
An important, possibly crucial, point - and well noted, but I think you'll find that, in this instance, the photo lies. As one who works in 'the print', I can tell you that the way Cameron is holding his thumb and first finger suggests he has, possibly just moments prior to the photo, experienced a nasty little paper cut, either half way down the finger or, more painfully, right on the skin flap between the two digits. Notice just the hint of a grimace on Dave's face - and do I detect that Nick's gaze has been averted slightly downwards, toward the hand.
I tell you, the more I look, the more I am absolutely convinced the removal of the hand to have been the result of an involuntary motion caused by sudden discomforture rather than the (admittedly welcome)ideological gesture you surmise.
A million hopes dashed...
Cameron likes to hold his documents with one hand and Clegg likes to use both hands.
Sorry, Andrew.
I tell you, the more I look, the more I am absolutely convinced the removal of the hand to have been the result of an involuntary motion caused by sudden discomforture rather than the (admittedly welcome)ideological gesture you surmise.
Aha, you see, I was right all along! ;-)
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