Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Welcome to World War III

In the perpetual war of the United States government to bring world democratic peace, it would seem more and more likely that Iran is likely to be attacked very soon, given the current psychological warfare being directed against western taxpayers to fund this oncoming disaster. In its seventh Asian war to defend freedom on the North American continent, it would seem the US government is ready to sacrifice us all to a worldwide Muslim defensive nuclear backlash to achieve its ultimate ambition of a world government run by the plutocrats of Washington DC (perhaps the ugliest city in the world, and certainly one of the sweatiest - and don't try to kid me off with those New Orleans style ribs in Crystal City; Washington DC really does suck, especially those horrible people movers at Dulles Airport).

Yes, ye mocked, when AngloAustria predicted this forthcoming World War last April, but mock ye not any longer. The war is coming. What are you going to do to stop it?

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