This is most excellent, as a beach dude from Santa Monica might say. Sorry. Strike that out. As a beach dude from Newquay might say!
BTW, Tom tells me that he will be in the UK promoting the book sometime this year, so watch out for further posts on AngloAustria detailing these events, plus keep half an eye on his website. I have ordered my Von Mises Institute bow-tie, specially, for any of these events held in the London area.
Perhaps this book could become a focal point for British Austrians to gather around? Whatever the case, make sure you get a copy to keep up the good work of slapping down socialists everywhere you encounter them.
Rule Britannia.
Thanks for the heads up Jack - I might ask him if he'll come and speak to the Libertarian Society in Oxford.
Keep a pew for me in the curry house.
Do you have a source for confirmation?
Yes. Tom Woods told me.
Are you also on talking terms with the likes of Roger Garrison, Bob Murophy, Frank Shostak, George Reisman etc...,?
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