Sunday, March 18, 2007

John Locke? You've Got to be Kidding Me!

Okay, so my apologies for not posting anything about the 101 statist things that happened this week, from David Cameron's approval of new measures to introduce a mileage police into Britain and Gordon Brown's rejoinder, to outflank David Miliband, by telling the productive third of Britain that we will be taxed into the ground forever, and that apparently this is for our benefit.

In some ways, I think the news is now so hilariously statist that it's hardly worth commenting upon, plus, if I were to respond in depth to each statist progression, I would hardly have time to order a double vodka and tonic at any bar near Paddington railway station, the seat of modern Gods in western London. Perhaps it really does take a gigantic blog like Samizdata to deal with it all.

However, following my earlier piece on the amazing similarity between Man, Economy, and State, by Uncle Murray, and the Robinsoe Crusoesque aspects of my favorite TV series Lost, I was almost apoplectic in hilarity with my sudden realisation that that my second favourite character was not only called 'Locke', but was actually called 'John Locke'. Am I the only person in the world who didn't realise this?

Ok, I thought, this was a mere second coincidence. But at the end of the same programme, my favourite character, Sawyer, was sitting on a beach reading a washed-up copy of a particular paperback novel.

Now; it could have been any paperback in the world, from Harold Robbins, a Great according to Mr Spock, through to one by J.K.Rowling, one of the Greats, according to Stephen King. But what was this book Sawyer was reading?

Yes, it was of course, Fountainhead, by Ms. Ayn Rand. Oh yes, we noticed, fellas, though I don't believe many will have, except real Lost nuts. But what the heck. It was worth the entrance fee; three coincidences is just one too many to hold up - it would appear that 'Lost' really might be a libertarian-inspired conspiracy.

OK, so guys, you, the ones writing 'Lost', if you are really true believers, as I truly suspect you are, I don't ask much. But could you please make the next book that comes into shot a certain favourite of mine. I think you know the one I mean. Yes, fellas, it really does have to be: 'Democracy: The God That Failed'. If you can just do this one small favour for me I will be greatly impressed, even though you've cast a Hobbit in one of the main action roles.

However, in the meantime, thank you for introducing Robinson Crusoe economics to the general population, plus a character by the name of John Locke, plus a star reading Fountainhead. I hope you guys are making a fortune, and that your love lives are unbelievably complicated. Thank you, and goodnight. Your efforts have not gone unrecognised! :-)

A. Fan

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