Because you can imagine what fun he would be having now, with Krugman and Co, if he had lived to the hale and hearty age of 84, to lambast these witless Keynesian counterfeiting fantasists, who imagine that real physical wealth can spring from a Zimbabwe-style printing press by adding inky black zeroes to bits of virtually worthless green paper!
Oh, what joy it would have been to watch him skewer these fools.
Oh well. C'est la vie, I suppose.
At least we have his two-volume set of the history of economic thought. But we don't have the third volume, the one in which he planned to do to Keynes what he did to Marx in volume two.
However, we do have Rothbard's audio notes for this missing third volume, in the following series of lectures:
=> The History of Economic Thought: From Marx to Hayek
HT to Paul
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