Well, we shall see.
Bonson himself lost a lot of his free market pizazz when he entered the House of Commons, and has only really regained it since he left, unencumbered with the old baggage of needing to worry about what people in Liverpool thought about him.
The road to a free Britain will be a bumpy one and will by necessity require an involvement with the tax-fed gravy shop in Westminster. If the Heffmeister and the Prince of Light Hannan can both be persuaded to enter the House of Commons, to knock some heads together, then I will wish them both the best of British luck.
However, as we witnessed when Bonson himself was neutered by the green leather benches, the British governmental system has a way of sucking in and smothering all those outsiders who dare to enter it with axes.
Assuming the Heffmeister enters as a Conservative, and the Conservatives win the next election, how long will it be before the tax machine offers him a governmental sinecure? And then how long will it take for the seductions of First Class travel and comfortable limousines to work their magic? Because the Heff will stand head and shoulders above everyone except perhaps Hannan, if he refuses a government post then he shall look like Gulliver refusing to help the Lilliputians.
Once again assuming he succumbs to the flattery and the bribery of being offered a post, perhaps Education Minister, the day it will be all over for him will then be the first day he has to tell a lie, "For the Good of the Cabinet, the Government, and the Country". Unfortunately, this will probably be about three days into his ministerial career. Real Politik has a way of grabbing everyone.
Alas, I think it will grab Mr Heffer too. But, perhaps he can prove me wrong. Perhaps he can prove to be the next Margaret Thatcher?
Therefore, AngloAustria is placed into a difficult predicament. The long-term best we can hope for is that Parliament becomes such a laughing stock that it loses all of its legitimacy and it simply fades away, with people refusing to follow government regulations or pay government taxes, to discover the land of freedom that awaits beyond both.
However, back in the real world, Maturin Towers needs some relief right now from the menace and failure of government. So it's a tough one.
The short-termist within me wants the Heff to stand, and then bring us some freedom. The long-termist within me wants the Heff to stand aloof, and to help destroy Parliament. The optimist within me hopes that the Heff can both stand for Parliament and help to destroy its power from within. The pessimist within me thinks he will be neutered within months of taking his seat and used simply as another random useful idiot to help keep the taxes pouring into the gaping mouths of the millions of tax eaters who infest this country.
I suppose though, on reflection, that what the human condition requires is some sport, some entertainment, and sometimes the occasional laugh. So on balance, I think he's got to go for it, if only to get on the nerves of all the self-serving idiots who read the Guardian.
So good luck, Sir Bufton Tufton Heffmeister. (Though I do think you're going to need it.)
I'm not quite sure how to read Boris' article.
Part of me feels it's a wind-up.
Pay-back time for when Heffer wrote an excoriating article about Boris on the eve of the London Mayoral elections, and refused to endorse him.
I rather suspect Boris would enjoy seeing Heffer fail where Boris succeeded, in terms of getting elected.
One notable bad point about Heffer was his support for the Iraq War. All those inhibitations about what big government can accomplish simply evaporated when it came to war. All too common among that type of conservative - Richard Littlejohn has the same blindspot.
On war, Peter Hitchens is better, putting forward a sane policy of non-intervention - but his blindspot is drug prohibition.
I agree, if Simon Heffer became part of the government, he would have little worth listening to. Ron Paul takes a good approach - use the big centre-right party to get into the legislature and then use that platform to put your ideas into circulation, while keeping a healthy distance from the party machine.
Ralph Harris of the IEA provided a good example too. Made a peer by Thatcher, provided her with some of the intellectual rocket fuel, but insisted on sitting as a Crossbencher.
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